Once again the 2025 Installation of Officers have come into service for West Gate Lodge #128. Worshipful Master for his second term in a row (3rd All Time) will lead the helm to another successful year! This will be his…
122nd Installation of Officers
November 15, 2023 marked the 122nd Installation of Officers with Worshipful Master Virg Prodigalidad presiding in the East. The night began with an Italian Style Dinner, lined up with guests from around the Sound! Many wanted to be here to…
Mill Creek Lodge #143, Stated & Installation
We would like to extend our congratulations to Worshipful Master Hobey Un who has been installed in the East for his Home Lodge. Hobey is also a Life Member of West Gate Lodge #128. Look well to the East!
121st Installation of Officers
West Gate Lodge #128 would like to present to you the 121st Iteration of Officers, led by Worshipful Master Donn Castro. Donn Castro previously was Worshipful Master in 2013, 2014 and 2015 and having returned from the Philippines, wants to…
117th Installation of Officers
Tonight was the 117th Installation of West Gate Lodge #128! Preceded by a Prime Rib Dinner by the Henry’s (VW Henry Fletcher and WB Henry Castro) we had an amazing 30 people in attendance for this auspicious solemnity. This is…
115th Installation of Officers
The 115th Installation for West Gate Lodge #128 was completed with flying colors. MWB Santy Lascano and WB Marc Ignacio Sr. This was the first time in the East for WB Earl. The honor was bestowed by the Past Grand…
115th Installation – Information
Brothers and Friends, please join us for West Gate Lodge’s 115th Installation. Worshipful Master – Elect, Bro Earl Lara, will be stepping into the East for the first time. This is an open installation so please invite your family. MWB…
Stated Meeting – November 16, 2015
Good evening everyone. Tonight’s Stated Meeting was enjoyed by a monstrous steak dinner. Fellowship at the Lodge of West Gate is where you can find a great meal. WB Henry Castro will make sure of it. As tonight was the…