Not every meeting will be updated on our Website, however every meeting should be captured on our Facebook Page ( SOCIAL MEDIA GUIDELINES The Grand Lodge of Washington recognizes that the use of social media has grown exponentially in recent…
FCM Degree | Michael Heiner, Bryceson Dungan and Ronald Estacion
A fun-filled summer night to pass the degree of these fine upcoming Brothers! Its nice to see the development in the fold! That of a more casual night but a great night nonetheless!
EAM Degree | Ronald Estacion & Joshua Tiongco
This evening we joined our Fraternal Brothers of Yancey C Blalock Lodge #265 to initiate 3 candidates. Two of those initiates of candidates were representative of West Gate Lodge #128, Bro Joshua Tiongco and Bro Ronald Estacion. Interestingly, WG128 initiated…
Ladies Night – May 4th, 2024
Today we celebrated our ladies whether they be girlfriends, wives, mothers and widows. A tribute to the other half of our lives that support us when we congregate as Men and Masons. These women should no go unnoticed for how…
EAM Degree | Jules Estavilla
On this date we held an Entered Apprentice Degree for another new member, Brother Jules Estavilla. Jules carries all the characteristics that we look for in a Mason and will continue the legacy of our Lodge in good fashion. We…
Stated Meeting – February 21st 2024
Today’s was very eventful in which we conducted our Official Visit from the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Washington. Deputy to the Grand Master VWB Dean Mathers shared greeting from the Grand Master. We also had a Special Guest from…
EAM Degree | Michael Heiner
On this evening, we welcome newly initiated Brother Michael Heiner Jr as the newest member of West Gate Lodge #128. He was accompanied by Yancey C Blalock #265’s Brother Reynald Estacion who also joined the Craft. It was a great…
Stated Meeting – December 20th 2023
We would like to wish everyone a Happy Holidays along with a Happy New Year! Please find some pictures from our Stated Meeting in which we honored the following: Outgoing 2023 Worshipful Master Donn Castro. Service Awards WB Jun Rigates…
122nd Installation of Officers
November 15, 2023 marked the 122nd Installation of Officers with Worshipful Master Virg Prodigalidad presiding in the East. The night began with an Italian Style Dinner, lined up with guests from around the Sound! Many wanted to be here to…
Hiram Award | Virg Prodigalidad
In the Stated Communication of May 2023, West Gate Lodge #128 has finally came to a decision that it doesn’t make every year. A coveted award for our Blue Lodge, we decided the right recipient of such an honor would…
Arc in The Park (14th Annual)
West Gate Lodge #128 will be hosting and serving the community at this year Arc in The Park. This will be our 3rd time supporting this event and we are happy to come back post-pandemic to serve the people. Please…
MM Degree | Carlos Marquez Arizmendi and Mohammed Uddin
The last stated meeting of June we were able to conduct a Master Mason Degree for 2 fitting brothers. Both have shown diligence in their hard work and have been present from the get go. Both also represent and serve…
EAM Degree | Burke Fenner, Coeyeah Hollerman and Bryceson Dungan
On the last of day of May we welcomed into the fold, three new Brothers of West Gate Lodge. A joint effort that involved from Arlington Lodge #129, Rainier Lodge #189 and Yancey C Blalock Lodge #265. This was an…
FCM Degree | Carlos Marquez Arizmendi and Mohammed Uddin
Today marked an eventful night with our Stated Communication! We had to Brothers jump up the ranks and passed to the fellowcraft degree. As both are currently serving in the United Stated Navy, it made sense that we welcome to…
Yancey C. Blaylock Lodge #265, Courtesy MM Degree | Chris Candeloza
Last night we participated in a Master Degree in coordination with Yancey C. Blaylock. Dinner preceded the event provided by the Brothers being raised. There were about 40 Brothers in attendance representing 10 Lodges. Brothers that were raised were Kevin…
Mill Creek Lodge #143, Stated & Installation
We would like to extend our congratulations to Worshipful Master Hobey Un who has been installed in the East for his Home Lodge. Hobey is also a Life Member of West Gate Lodge #128. Look well to the East!
121st Installation of Officers
West Gate Lodge #128 would like to present to you the 121st Iteration of Officers, led by Worshipful Master Donn Castro. Donn Castro previously was Worshipful Master in 2013, 2014 and 2015 and having returned from the Philippines, wants to…
In Memoriam – Very Worshipful Brother James E Browne
It is with great sadness to share that one of our Brothers of West Gate Lodge #128 has been called to the Celestial Lodge, not made with hands. We may be a bit late in reporting the news as it…
Stated Meeting – September 21st 2022
West Gate Lodge #128 has returned from being dark from the summer and we kicked things off right by welcoming our newest Entered Apprentice Mason, Brother Andrew S Freeman. It was an eventful night at our Stated Meeting which proceeded…
In Memoriam – Worshipful Brother John Rolland Butler
It is with great sadness to share that one of our Brothers of West Gate Lodge #128 has been called to the Celestial Lodge, not made with hands. His beloved Randi, had informed us of his passing and he will…
Stated Meeting – May 18th 2022
This evening at our Stated Meeting was another good night. We balloted, we labored and we refreshed. Tonight we welcome Bro Dandrick Ng who joins our Lodge as a Plural Member from Black Mountain Lodge #845 (link) in California. He…