At our October Stated Meeting we welcome 2 new brothers who both affiliated to become full Members of West Gate Lodge #128.
Bro Christopher Lato hails from the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of California more accurately of Pacific Rim Lodge #567. He comes he for work and has frequented West Gate Lodge #128 and Yancey C Blalock Lodge #265. Our newest affiliated Brother wants nothing more but to contribute to the relief and support of his new found Brothers.
Bro Marlon Sampang is a self-employed man who recently become a Master Mason this past July. He has been strong in his form being raised by his home Lodge LuzViMinda #317 and very active in his fraternal friendship along the way! Marlon represents great character always willing to help a Brother in need!
We are excited these Brothers join us for the upcoming 2025 year and expect great things for them!